
I write about life, work, people and place. Expect oversharing. Here are some of my most popular essays from my newsletter, The Primordial Scoop.

Readers Say

“I loved reading this and so much resonated. Keep it coming!”

“I just want to saw you are awesome! I'm so inspired by your commitment to your writing and humbled by your talent.”

“I felt this newsletter in my soul.”

“Thanks again for another brilliant, truthful and insightful essay.”

“It's great to read media that feels like it connects people and I just wanted to say that your posts are a sublime example (and an inspiration) of that, and I'm very grateful.”

“So well written and insightful. I feel SEEN.”

“I love the honesty, depth and humour in your writing - thank you so much for doing it!”

Remember You Are Dust
Nature, Wellbeing, Life, Mental Health, Spirit Ciara McVeigh Nature, Wellbeing, Life, Mental Health, Spirit Ciara McVeigh

Remember You Are Dust

Lent began this week, marking the 40-day journey to Easter.

It’s an important and sombre time for the devout, mirroring Jesus’s wandering in the desert; hungry, alone, paranoid, scared and in emotional turmoil, which is also how about two thirds of the world feels, all the time.

This year, for thousands of people in Ukraine Lent will not be a symbolic experience, but a very literal wilderness.

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Unbraiding Sweetgrass
Meaning, Self, Spirit, Life Ciara McVeigh Meaning, Self, Spirit, Life Ciara McVeigh

Unbraiding Sweetgrass

Hold out your hands and let me lay upon them a sheaf of freshly picked sweetgrass, loose and flowing, like newly washed hair...Breathe it in and you start to remember things you didn’t know you’d forgotten.

Robin Wall Kimmerer, ‘Braiding Sweetgrass’

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Stop Waiting. Start Being.
Meaning, Self, Spirit, Life Ciara McVeigh Meaning, Self, Spirit, Life Ciara McVeigh

Stop Waiting. Start Being.

Waiting to take action is actually one of my crummiest qualities, along with self-righteousness, inconsistency and all those failed attempts to stop drinking in the week.

Waiting for Friday night. Waiting to lose weight so I can buy jeans again. Waiting for the children to grow. Everything is just waiting.

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